Sunday, October 7, 2012

To vote - or to "not vote" - for a Mormon: that is the Question

Question: Should Christians vote for a Mormon?

Better question: Should Christians vote for a Muslim with dubious allegiance to America and the Constitution?

The answer to the better question should answer the first one, but there are Christians who apparently do not comprehend the imperative of the choice. Not wanting to choose anybody "ungodly," they are persuaded that the principled answer is: "not voting."

Obviously no genuine Christian will vote for an administration which is willing to place sharia law above the Constitution, on any point. Sharia (in case you are just awakening from a long coma) is government by fundamentalist Islamic law, under which you are not free to be a Christian except as a "dhimmi" (second-class citizen) -- or a martyr.

Yet some Christians, decidedly not voting for Obama, because of his disturbing demonstrations of kinship with Islamic fundamentalism, are nonetheless hesitant to vote for Romney because they consider Mormonism a cult.

Whether that is so is, alas, an argument for a more leisurely day. The question of the present hour, and the far more urgent one, is: Are those "not voting" willing to say that another term under Obama is actually preferable to having a Mormon for president? Because, like it or not, the choice will be made. It will be one or the other: not "neither."

Those who will insist on "not voting" as a principled solution to the dilemma take a position which is egregiously self-deceptive. "Not voting" is a choice in this close election, and if there is victory for Obama it will be won in large part by such as these "principled" anti-Mormons. "Not voting" is not -- repeat, not -- the moral high ground; it is moral paralysis -- the last thing we need more of from American Christians at this decisive point in our history.

Keep in mind that Romney is not out to impose Mormonism on America or the world. Whatever their diversions from traditional Christianity, and in light of the alternative, doctrinal dissection at this crucial moment is kind of like being on a sinking ship and refusing to wear a life jacket because it doesn't match your blouse. The fact is, we are in no existential peril whatsoever from the people of the Book of Joseph.

Sharia, on the other hand, is not a "diversion" from Christianity and American law, it is the antithesis of Christianity and American law. And Islam does seek to impose sharia on America and the world. America is not exempt from their plans. We are central. And they are determined.

Keep that in mind when you choose to vote this year -- or not.


Some links to check out: